Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Packet filtering
  2. Learning objectives
  3. Logistics
    1. Generating your .env file
    2. Network topology
  4. Step 1: Map the running services
    1. Question sheet
  5. Step 2: Adding firewall rules
    1. View current rules
    2. nft tables
    3. nft chains
      1. Chain types
      2. Chain hooks
      3. Chain policy
      4. Chain priority
      5. Adding a new chain
      6. Question sheet
      7. Flushing and modifying chains
      8. Adjust the chain


This lab serves as an introduction to using nftables to set up a stateless firewall that can control which traffic is allowed into a subnetwork while blocking other kinds of traffic. We will mostly focus on TCP traffic in this lab, but the same concepts generalize to other protocols and applications. We will focus first on packet filtering and then add on more applications in later concept labs.

Packet filtering

A packet filter is a piece of software that hooks into your network layer and reads packet headers to determine whether such packets are allowed in the system or not. At its most basic level, a packet filter makes one of two decisions:

  1. ACCEPT a packet, which means that packet can go through to the application or to be forward on another interface.

  2. DROP a packet, which means that packet will be dropped from the system, and thus will not be allowed to move into your network stack.

Those two actions form the basis of a packet filter, however, much more sophisticated applications can be created, such as performing Network Address Translation (NAT) and more involved firewall applications.

Packet filtering allows you to gain control over the network, deciding which packets can go through and which ones will be dropped. It also allows for visibility over your network, so you can track what traffic is coming in and where it destined. All of this will serve the purpose of enhancing the network’s security. You can think of it as a bouncer that sits at your front door and decides who is allowed to come through and knock and who will be turned away directly.

Learning objectives

At the end of this concept lab, you should be able to:

  • Define how a firewall works in the context of a Linux box.
  • Experiment with different filtering rules using nftables.
  • Add nftables rules to restrict access to your private network for certain individuals and/or applications.


For this lab, we will be using GitHub classroom to get the starter code. Please follow this link to accept the assignment and obtain your own fork of the lab repository.

The first time you accept an invitation, you will be asked to link your account to your student email and name. Please be careful and choose your appropriate name/email combination so that I can grade appropriately.

Generating your .env file

Before we spin up our containers, there are some configuration variables that must be generated on the spot. To do so, please run the script from the prelab repository directory as follows:

$ ./

If run correctly, several files will be generated:

  1. .env (hidden file - use ls -al to see it) contains your UID and GID variables.

  2. connect_*.sh a utility script to quickly connect to each container in this lab.

Network topology

In this lab, our network topology is fairly simple. We have a client container connected to a firewall container. On the other end sits a server that is providing certain services to your client container. The firewall is acting both as a router and a packet filter for your two subnetworks.

Here’s a simple representation of this topology (Shamelessly generated using deepseek):

+-------------------+          +-------------------+          +-------------------+
|      client       |          |     firewall      |          |      server       |
|  IP:    |          | eth0:  |          |  IP:    |
|  Interface: eth0  +----------+ eth1:  +----------+  Interface: eth0  |
+-------------------+          +-------------------+          +-------------------+

Step 1: Map the running services

To start off, make sure that the client container can reach the server container and vice versa. Simply ping the server from the client to make sure that the network is up and running.

Our first step in protecting our network is understanding what services are running on our network. Use nmap to uncover all services running on the server container, that is the one we’d like to protect.

Hint: server is only running TCP services, so it should be quick and easy to find out what services are running there.

Question sheet

After running your nmap scan, answer the following questions:

  1. List out the services running on the server container.

  2. For each service running there, list a command that you can use to test if that service is running and reachable.

    Hint: Your containers can reach the Internet, so if you need some tools, feel free to install those using `sudo apt update && suod apt instal -y


Step 2: Adding firewall rules

If you have done some form of networking before, then you must have heard of iptables as a tool to use the Linux kernel’s features to perform packet tracing and filtering. While you could use iptables to perform everything we need in this lab, we will be using the newer nftables to do so.

nftables leverages newer features in the Linux kernel (starting kernel >= 3.13) to provide similar functionalities to iptables, albeit with a better (arguably) syntax and rule definition, reducing code duplication, and enhancing performance.

All of your firewall rules must happen on the firewall container. Do not add or change any rules on the client or server containers.

Please note that all the command below need escalated privileges, and thus use the sudo command. However, please note that you can either login as root (using docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash) or after using the ./connect_* script, use sudo -s to switch to the root account.

Please note that if you are logged in as root and you edit or create any files, then you might lose access to it outside of the container. To prevent that from happening, edit your files from the virtual machine (not the container). But if you happen to forget, you can always change the owner of that file back to netsec using chmod netsec file_path.

View current rules

On the firewall container, let’s examine the current rules there. You can do so using:

sudo nft list ruleset

On my setup, that showed something like the following:

# Warning: table ip nat is managed by iptables-nft, do not touch!
table ip nat {
        chain DOCKER_OUTPUT {
                ip daddr tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 dnat to
                ip daddr udp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 dnat to

        chain OUTPUT {
                type nat hook output priority dstnat; policy accept;
                ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump DOCKER_OUTPUT

        chain DOCKER_POSTROUTING {
                ip saddr tcp sport 45487 counter packets 0 bytes 0 snat to :53
                ip saddr udp sport 42559 counter packets 0 bytes 0 snat to :53

        chain POSTROUTING {
                type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
                ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump DOCKER_POSTROUTING

You will notice that docker by default injected a bunch of rules to make sure that your traffic does not leak out of the internal network and cause mayhem.

Please do not mess with any of the docker rules as breaking those can lead to sever connectivity issues and can also impact other users on our server.

nft tables

The first abstraction when it comes to nftables is that of a table. A table is a top level container of rulesets that holds chains, rules, maps, and state objects. A packet can pass through several tables before being delivered to the target application or forwarded on the network.

A table must be associated with exactly one family. In nftables, we currently have several families:

  1. ip: Filters IPv4 traffic.
  2. ip6: Filters IPv6 traffic.
  3. inet: Filters both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
  4. arp: Filters ARP packets.
  5. bridge: Filter traffic traversing bridged networks.
  6. netdev: This one is a bit different, it allows to see and filter traffic right out of the Network Interface Card (NIC), i.e., as raw as possible.

In this lab, we will only concern ourselves with the ip family.

Let’s first create a table for this lab, we’ll call it netsec_tbl. To do so, you can use:

sudo nft add table ip netsec_tbl

You can see here that first argument after sudo nft add table is the family to which the table will belong (which is ip in our case), followed by the name you’d like to give to that table.

Now, run sudo nft list ruleset to see that your table has been successfully created. It will show up as empty for now. To only see our table, you can also use sudo nft list table netsec_tbl.

Here are some other useful commands when it comes to tables (recall to always use sudo if you are not logged in as root):

  • To delete a table: nft delete table ip netsec_tbl.
  • To remove all the rules in a table: nft flush table ip netsec_tbl.
  • To see just the tables (without the chains and rules): nft list tables.

nft chains

Each table will have one or more chains. Chains are sets of rules that are to be applied to your packets at a specific location, specific by a hook into the kernel’s network stack. Unlike iptables, nftables does not have predefined chains, you will add chains to your tables at the corresponding hooks, which will only be considered if they are active, thus relieving the kernel from being bogged down with unused chains.

To add a chain to your table, here’s the generic syntax. Everything between <> is an argument, while everything between [] is optional.

nft 'add chain [<family>] <table_name> <chain_name> { type <type> hook <hook>
priority <value> ; [policy <policy>] ; [comment "text comment"] ;}'


  • <type> is the type of your chain (see below).
  • <hook> is the name of the hook where your chain will be inserted.
  • <priority> is an integer representing the priority of your chain (relevant if you have multiple chains).
  • <policy> is the default policy to be applied to packets on this chain after all rules have been evaluated.
  • text comment is simply a comment you can put it to document your chain.

Please note that the single quotes around the add chain command are mandatory unless you want to escape all your semicolons and quotes (i.e., unless you use the signal quotes, you’ll have to write \; for semicolons and \" for quotes).

Chain types

A chain can have one of three types. In this lab, we will only focus on the filter type. We will discuss other types as we need them.

Chain hooks

Each chain can be placed at a possible hook in the kernel. Here are the possible values:

  1. ingress: used only for netdev family. Basically this hooks right after your NIC driver.

  2. prerouting: This hook sees all incoming traffic before any routing decision is made. For example, this sees traffic destined to the machine itself AND packet being forwarded to other devices on the network.

  3. input: This hook sees packets that are addressed to the local system (for example, if someone pings the firewall, that packet will show up on the input hook).

  4. forward: This hook sees packets that have been routed and are not destined to the local system.

  5. output: This hook sees packets that are originating from the local system and are leaving it.

  6. postrouting: This hook sees all packets that are leaving the system, regardless of whether they are origination from the local system or are being forwarded from somewhere else.

In this lab, we are mostly interested in the prerouting, input, output, and forward hooks.

Chain policy

The chain’s base policy defines what happens when a packet reaches the end of a ruleset and all the rules have decided to pass it through. Currently, there are only two possible options, which are accept to keep the packet alive and moving on and drop to drop the packet and discard it.

By default, the policy is accept unless otherwise specified.

Chain priority

The chain priority is used to order your chains, i.e., which chains get applied first. Chains with a lower priority (i.e., most negative) are run before chains with positive priority value, and so on.

To see a list of hooks and default priorities, you can consult the nftables wiki page.

Adding a new chain

Based on the above, let’s go ahead and add our first chain. We’ll call this one netsec_in to catch packets coming into the firewall that are destined for the firewall itself.

Before starting, try to reach the firewall container from the client container through a simple ping. Make sure that both containers are able to reach each other.

To add this chain, use:

sudo nft 'add chain ip netsec_tbl netsec_in { type filter hook input priority 0 ;
policy drop ; comment "my first chain" ; }'

To make sure your chain shows up in the table, you can use sudo nft list table netsec_tbl. Mine looks like the following:

table ip netsec_tbl {
        chain netsec_in {
                comment "my first chain"
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;

Question sheet

On your question sheet, answer the following question:

  1. What do you expect the impact of the chain we have added to be?

  2. Verify your answer by running a simple command from the client or the server.

  3. How would you change the chain above to make sure that this behavior does not take place?

Flushing and modifying chains

As we have seen, our netsec_in chain is not desirable, so we’d like to remove it and replace it with a chain that produces more of what we want.

To do so, first you’ll need to flush the chain to remove any rules in it using:

sudo nft flush chain netsec_tbl netsec_in

Then you can delete the chain using:

sudo nft delete chain ip netsec_tbl netsec_in

Verify that your chain has been deleted using sudo nft list table netsec_tbl.

Adjust the chain

Before moving on, recreate the netsec_in chain with correct parameters so that you can play with the packets that are coming into the firewall. Verify that your chain does not lead to the behavior we observed earlier on.

Please note that nftables tables, chains, and rules we define here are not persistent, i.e., they will be removed if you restart your container. We will talk about scripting in nftables in another concept lab.