Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Learning objectives
  3. Logistics
    1. Getting the configuration
    2. Patching the docker file
  4. Network topology
  5. Experiment 0: nftables sets
    1. Step 1: Simple set
    2. Step 2: Finding the bug
      1. Question sheet
    3. Step 3: Debugging and fixing the bug
      1. Question sheet
      2. Hint: More syntax
  6. Experiment 1: Dynamic sets
    1. Step 1: Timed entries
    2. Step 2: Updating timed entries
    3. Interlude: Navigating chains
      1. Question sheet
    4. Back to set updates
      1. Question sheet
  7. Experiment 2: Port knocking
    1. Step 1: Warming up
      1. Hints
      2. Testing
    2. Step 2: A bit better
      1. Testing
    3. Step 3: Full port knocking
      1. Question sheet
  8. Reflection
  9. Submission


In this lab, you will explore using stateful firewalls to implement port knocking, an approach in which the firewall hides certain protected ports from users unless they know a secret knocking sequence.

Learning objectives

At the end of this lab, you should be able to:

  • Define nftables sets and how they can manipulated.
  • Define port knocking as a way to hide certain ports behind a firewall.
  • Implement a simple port knocking firewall.
  • Implement a more involved sequence of port knocking that mixes up TCP and UDP ports.


Getting the configuration

To start with this lab, login to the class server, and navigate to your netsec-labs-username directory. Grab the latest updates using:

  (class-server) $ git fetch upstream
  (class-server) $ git pull upstream main

A folder called lab4 should show up in your directory, that is where you will do most of your lab.

Patching the docker file

Before starting here, please make sure that your experiments from all other labs are down. To do so, navigate back to the latest lab directory and do docker compose down.

I have updated the patch script to no longer ask you for your username and subnet, it will try to extract those on its own and print out your subnet (it is the same on as the one announced on the Moodle page). Also, it now generates scripts for you to connect to your hosts quickly.

To do so, in the lab4 directory, run the patch script:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10

If you had already patched your script, you will see something like this:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10
  [ERROR] ########################################################################
  [ERROR] # It looks like your docker-compose.yml file has already been patched. #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # If you are having issues bringing up the environment, it means it is #
  [ERROR] #  still in use.                                                       #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # Try to take down the experiment first, then bring it up again.       #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it down: docker compose down                               #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it up:   docker compose up -d                              #
  [ERROR] ########################################################################

If for some reason, the script fails to find your subnet, you can override its behavior by providing your subnet on the command line:

  (class-server) $ ./ SUBNET

If all goes well, you should also see two new files in your directory: and You can use these scripts to directly connect to the desired host, without having to type the whole docker container exec -it command. Finally, I have also adjust the container’s hostnames to make it easier for you to identify which is which.

For example, to connect to client, you can use:

$ ./

Hopefully, that would make things a bit easier for you.

If you are unable to execute a script due to a permissions issue, then try the following $ chmod +x <script> to make it executable and try again.

In the remainder of this document, I will not be using your specific prefixes and subnets. For example, when I refer to client, you should replace that with user-client where user is your RHIT username. Similarly, I will be using 10.10.0 as the default subnet, you should replace that in all IP addresses with your own subnet. For example, if your subnet is 10.11.0, then replace the IP address with

Network topology

In this lab, we have a web server protected by a firewall and a client sitting on a different subnet trying to reach the server.

 | ------ |                | -------- |                | ------ |
 | Client | -------------- | Firewall | -------------- | Server |
 | ------ |  | -------- |  | ------ |

Experiment 0: nftables sets

Before we get started, we’ll need to introduce an additional feature of nftables that will prove useful with stateful firewalls, and that is the ability to create and modify sets. A set is simple a kernel data structure that holds some information which you can use to perform match operations.

For example, you can define a specific set of IPv4 address that you would want to allow, and then drop everything else. Let’s go ahead and do this.

Step 1: Simple set

Create an nftables script and then add the following to it:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

# create a table
add table ip step0

# create the set
add set step0 allowed_ip {
  type ipv4_addr ;
  comment "set of allowed ip addresses " ;
  elements = {, } ;

# add a chain hooked on the forwarding end
add chain step0 firewall { type filter hook forward priority 0 ; policy drop ; }

# add a rule to accept and count allowed ips
add rule step0 firewall ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept

This will create a simple table called step0 and with a forwarding chain called firewall. Additionally, we create a set called allowed_ip, we specify its type as ipv4_addr and then add some elements by default to it.

We finally add the rule ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept. This rule will apply to any packet with a source IPv4 address that matches any of the possible values in the set allowed_ip. If a match occurs, then the action taken is counter accept which keep track of the received packets and accepts them. You can use nft list table step0 to see the content of the table.

Step 2: Finding the bug

After installing the above rules, go ahead and try to ping the server container from the client container, you should not be able to do so.

Question sheet

List the content of your table and answer the following question:

  1. Why is the firewall rule preventing the client from successfully pinging the server?

    Hint: If you’re struggling here, you might find it useful to start a packet capture session on the server and the firewall and see where the packets are being dropped.

Step 3: Debugging and fixing the bug

To help us understand what is going on even better, we can ask nftables log what is going on with the firewall rules. Let’s go ahead and do that.

First, add a new chain to the table, but have it run before the firewall chain (I am doing this from the command line, but feel free to append to your script):

nft add chain ip step0 trace_debug { type filter hook forward priority -100 \; }

Then add a tracing rule as follows:

nft add rule step0 trace_debug ip protocol icmp meta nftrace set 1

This rule will enable tracing for all ICMP packets received on the forward chain. To start viewing the trace, on the firewall container terminal, do the following:

nft monitor trace

Then try the ping again from the client to the server, you will see the trace show up as the packets are processed. Note that the trace will print out packet information at each chain of each table, so you will see things related to the tables defined by docker, please ignore those as they won’t impact your packets in this experiment.

Question sheet

Based on the trace logs, answer the following question:

  1. Explain by referencing the logs what seems to be the bug in the current set of rules in the firewall chain.

  2. Suggest a way to fix the rules in the firewall chain so that the two-way communication between the client and the server can complete.

Hint: More syntax

If instead of adding IPv4 addresses individually, you’d like to add a range of addresses (i.e., a subnet), you can add the flag interval to the set definition and then add the ip addresses using CIDR subnet syntax. For example, to add the entire subnet to the set allowed_ip above, you can do:

add set step0 allowed_ip {
  type ipv4_addr ;
  flags interval ;
  comment "set of allowed ip addresses defined by range" ;
  elements = { }

Experiment 1: Dynamic sets

Before starting this experiment, make sure to delete the table from the previous experiment using nft delete table step0.

In this previous experiment, the set we defined was static, i.e., we did not change any of the elements in it based on the changes in the network. However, in most times, you’d like to modify your rules based on observations you see abut the traffic coming into the firewall. So we need a way to midify our sets on the fly.

Step 1: Timed entries

We will start from the table and rules we created in the previous experiment, but we will add the flag timeout to the set we create as follows:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

table ip e1s1 {
  set allowed_ip {
    type ipv4_addr
    flags timeout,interval
    elements = { timeout 45s }

  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

    # allow everything coming out of the server
    ip saddr accept

    # allow address from the outside to come in as well
    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept

Note that here we have used a different syntax than we have done before. We specified the table using the same format as what you see when use nft list table; that is totally valid with nftables and it will automatically create the commands for you based on this format. Feel free to use any format to specify your tables, chains, and rules.

In the above table, we created a set called allowed_ip with the flags timeout,interval. The timeout flag allows up to add timeout values for each entry in your set. After the timer expires, the entry will be deteled from the set.

Let’s go ahead and explore this rule. Assuming your nft script is called e1s1.nft, install the rules using chmod +x e1s1.nft and then ./e1s1.nft. Quickly now, get on the client container and try to ping the server, you should be successful.

You can view the timer entry for each element in your set by listing the table:

$ nft list table e1s1
table ip e1s1 {
  set allowed_ip {
    type ipv4_addr
    flags interval,timeout
    elements = { timeout 45s expires 37s924ms }

  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
    ip saddr accept
    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter packets 2 bytes 168 accept

Then, 45 seconds later, you can check out what happens to your set using:

$ nft list table e1s1
table ip e1s1 {
  set allowed_ip {
    type ipv4_addr
    flags interval,timeout

  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
    ip saddr accept
    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter packets 2 bytes 168 accept

Now, if you try to reach the server from the client, your attempts will not be successful since the ip address of the client container has been removed from the set.

Step 2: Updating timed entries

Setting a timeout value for a static set valued does not make much sense unless we can refresh the timeout value and reset the timer based on certain conditions. Set operations support the update action that can update the entry in a set and refresh its timeout value.

Interlude: Navigating chains

To help us write better rules, especially when it comes to modifying sets, we will organize our rules as a tree of chains that a packet must traverse. So far, we have seen chains that were associated with a certain type and hook, however, we can also define regular chain.

A regular chain is one that does not see any packets by itself, it is not associated with a certain type or hook, but is used to be called upon by another of our base chains in the ruleset.

Let’s take a small example and try to understand chains a bit better. Here’s a simple nft script:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

table e1s2 {
  # this is a regular chain
  chain icmp_chain {

  # this is a based chain with a type and a hook
  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
    # send icmp traffic to the icmp chain
    ip protocol icmp jump icmp_chain
    # accept all icmp traffic
    ip protocol icmp accept

In this sample script, we create a regular chain called icmp_chain that simply counts all the packets that it sees. We then ask our base chain (called firewall) to send any ICMP packets received to the tcp_chain using the jump keyword in nftables.

Now install your rules on the firewall container and then attempt to ping the server from the client container. You should see the counter in the icmp_chain update as packets are sent and captured (I called my table e1s2, adjust as you see fit).

$ nft list table e1s2
table ip e1s2 {
        chain icmp_chain {
                counter packets 2 bytes 168

        chain firewall {
                type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
                ip protocol icmp jump icmp_chain
                ip protocol icmp accept

Question sheet

To navigate chain, nftables also provides another way to move between them, namely goto instead of jump. Let’s see the difference between the two.

First, modify the rule in the firewall chain to use goto icmp_chain instead of jump icmp_chain. Find the handle for the rule using nft -a list table e1s2 and then update the rule (my handle number was 4):

nft replace rule e1s2 firewall handle 4 ip protocol icmp goto icmp_chain

Now try to ping the server from the client container again and answer the following questions:

  1. Does the ping packet get delivered to the server?

  2. Does the ping packet get added to the counter in the icmp_chain?

  3. Explain the difference between a goto to a chain and jump to a chain.

    No, it is not that goto drops the packets and jump accepts them.

    Hint: There are two ways for you to answer this question:

    • Trace the rules in this table using the debugging techniques from above and understand where each packet travels.
    • Add a counter to the second rule (ip protocol icmp accept) and then check which counters get updated with jump vs with goto. Then, change the firewall chain’s default policy to drop and try again and report on your observations.

Back to set updates

Now that we can navigate between chains, we are ready to start updating our rules. Let’s go back to our original e1s1 table from the first step. Note that however we can no longer use the interval flag with for our set since we will be adding one ip at a time. We also removed the initial set of elements as we will be updating those during on the fly.

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

table ip e1s1 {
  set allowed_ip {
    type ipv4_addr
    flags timeout

  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

    # allow everything coming out of the server
    ip saddr accept

    # allow address from the outside to come in as well
    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept

Now let’s add another chain that will add entries to the set as follows:

chain add_to_set {
  add @allowed_ip { ip saddr timeout 30s }

The rule installed in this regular chain is one that add the source IP address for all received packets to the set, with a timeout value of 30 seconds. Finally, we need to have a trigger that will cause this add_to_set regular chain to be called up. For simplicy, we will assume that any ICMP packet received from an IP address will cause that address to be added to the set. Therefore, we’d need a rule of the following form: ip protocol icmp jump add_to_set.

Our final nftables script would look like:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

table ip e1s1 {
  set allowed_ip {
    type ipv4_addr
    flags timeout

  chain add_to_set {
    # set update ip saddr timeout 30s @allowed_ip
    add @allowed_ip { ip saddr timeout 30s }

  chain firewall {
    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
    # allow everything coming out of the server
    ip saddr accept
    # send icmp packets to the add_to_set chain
    ip protocol icmp jump add_to_set
    # allow address from the outside to come in as well
    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept

Question sheet

Install your table in the firewall and then first attempt to start a telnet connection from the client to the server (telnet server from the client container).

  1. Should you be able to establish a telnet connection between the client and the server?

  2. If your answer to the question above is no, what would you need to do to allow the client to talk to the server over telnet?

After you are able to allow the client to talk to the server, establish the telnet connection and answer the following questions:

  1. How long do you expect the telnet connection to last? In other words, what will happen to the telnet connection after 30 seconds?

To help in answering that question, have the client container issue an ICMP echo request every 5 seconds to the sever. You can do so using the -i flag of ping as follows: ping -i 5 server. During this time, monitor the content of the allowed_ip set in the table using nft list table e1s1.

  1. What do you notice about the entry for the client’s IP address in the allowed_ip set? What does that tell you about the behavior of the add operation in the add_to_set chain?

Now replace the add @allowed_ip { ip saddr timeout 30s } with update @allowed_ip { ip saddr timeout 30s } and then rerun the above exercise.

  1. What do you notice about the behavior of update vs that of add?

Finally, answer the following conceptual questions:

  1. What would happen if we had replaced the jump add_to_set action with goto add_to_set in the firewall chain? Explain your answer.

  2. What would happen if we swap the order of the last two rules in the firewall chain? i.e., our chain would look like:

    ip saddr @allowed_ip counter accept
    ip protocol icmp jump add_to_set

Experiment 2: Port knocking

Finally, let’s solve our dilemma from the last concept lab. In the last experiment we did above, we only allowed the client to reach the server if it first sent an ICMP echo request packet. Once that packet is received, we allow traffic between the client and the server to flow. Periodically, the client would need to send echo request packets to refresh the timer in its firewall entry and maintain the connection alive.

In this last experiment, we’d like to do better than using an ICMP echo request to unlock access to the server. We will rely on our client having to know a secret knock in the form of attempting to establish a connection on a sequence of port numbers. After the client has done the secret knock, the communication between the client and the server will be unlocked. This will make sure that attackers that do random port scans on our network will not be able to accidentally unlock access to the server; only those who know the secret knock will be able to do so.

Step 1: Warming up

Let’s start with an easy case. We will want to protect port 23 (i.e., the telnet port) on the server from being accessed by those who do not know the secret knock. Our knock in this case will be very simply: send a TCP SYN packet on port 9587 before you attempt to start the connection on port 23.

Here are the requirements:

  1. If you attempt to connect to port 23 without knowing the secret knock, your traffic will be blocked.
  2. After sending a SYN packet to port 9587, you have 10 seconds to start your telnet connection. If you do not do so, you will have to restart the knock sequence.
  3. If you send traffic on any other port after starting the knock sequence, you will have to restart the sequence again.

    For example, say a client sends a packet to port 9587. They will have 10 seconds to establish the connection to port 23. However, in those 10 seconds, they send out a packet to port 443, at this point, they will have to restart the knock sequence.

    Time 0: Client sends SYN on port 9587
    Time 1 (<10): Client sends packet on port 443 ==== sequence cancels
    Time 2 (<10): Client sends packet on port 23  ==== packet dropped, need to restart the sequence!
  4. The client will need to refresh their access to the server every 45 seconds.

  5. No traffic to any other port or any other protocol should be allowed to reach the server container.


Here are a few hints:

  • To remove an entry from a set, you can use this rule: update @my_set { ip saddr timeout 0}

  • The order of your rules matters, be intentional about how you approach ordering your rules.

  • To match a certain TCP port number, you can use tcp dport 9587 for the destination port and tcp sport 9587 for the source port.

  • You can also match ports that are not equal a certain port, for example: tcp drop != 23 to match any port other than 23.

  • To match TCP packets with only the SYN flag, you can use: tcp falgs == syn.


To test your script, you will need to generate TCP packets with specific flags on demand. You can write your own scripts to do so, but there is a great tool that allows you to do so, namely hping3. Check out the man page for hping3 for a full list of what you can do. Below we list out a few things that are useful for our experiment.

If hping3 is not installed, you can install it using apt update && apt install -y hping3 man.

  1. To generate a TCP syn packet at port 9587 you can use; hping3 -c 1 -S -p 9587 server on the client container.

  2. Similarly to generate a syn packet at port 23, you can use: hping3 -c 1 -S -p 23 server.

  3. To start the telnet session, you can use telnet server on the client container.

To test rule 1, simply start a telnet connection and it shouldn’t go through.

To test rule 2, send a syn packet to port 9587 using hping3 -c 1 -S -p 9587 server and make sure that your table has updated. Then, wait for 10 seconds, and make sure that your table have updated correctly again.

To test rule 3, first send a syn packet using hping3 -c 1 -S -p 9587 server and make sure that the table has updated. Within 10 seconds, send another syn packets to any other port (other than 23) using hping3 -c 1 -S -p 9588 server.

To test correct port knocking sequence, you can use hping3 -c 1 -S -p 9587 server ; telnet server and the telnet session should be established and you can login.

To test rule 4, make sure the telnet connection is established and wait for 45 seconds before trying to type anything in the telnet terminal, it should hang and you will not be able to execute any commands (to exit our of it using c-] - i.e., control and [ and then type q or quit).

Testing rule 5 should be easy.

Finally, to check that only syn packets are able to trigger the port knocking sequence, try the following hping3 -c 1 -S -A -p 9587 server ; telnet server. This will send a TCP packet with both SYN and ACK flags set, which should not trigger the port knocking sequence and thus must not allow the telnet session to take place.

Step 2: A bit better

In this step 2, we’d simply like to relax rule number 4. Once a connection is established, we should allow it to stay alive even if the timeout period (of 45 seconds) has expired. As long as the connection is alive, the client and the server should still be able to communicate. Once that connection is dead, the port knocking sequence should be done again to establish a new connection.

Hint This should be a very simple rule to add, nothing much else will change.


To test this one out, establish a connection from the client to the server after doing the port knocking sequence. Keep the connection alive for more than 45 seconds and make sure that your firewall table has been updated to reflect that. Then check if the telnet session is still active. If it is, you should be good to move on.

Step 3: Full port knocking

In this final step, we’d like to mix things up a bit and do a real port knocking sequence. The problem with what we did in step 1 and step 2 was that we asked for only one port to be “knocked” before we accept telnet connections. That is not ideal since an attacker might easily guess this or do a brute force attack; at the end of the day, there are only \(2^{16}\) port numbers and it is not hard to try them all out.

In this step, modify your rules to create a sequence of port numbers that mixes up TCP and UDP ports to finally unlock port 23 for telnet connections. The sequence was ask you to implement is the following:

TCP port 9587 --> TCP port 9090 --> UDP port 1234 --> TCP port 5978 --> unlock!

So our user must send packets with this exact port sequence for them to be able to establish a telnet connection to the server. The rules for this setup are the same as the rules in step 2 (i.e., established connections should not need to restart the port knocking sequence every 45 seconds).

Question sheet

Before you write down the script for your rules, on your question sheet, please draw a finite state machine that represents the possible states that your firewall might be in when receiving packets.


In this lab, we have used port knocking as a way to make sure that our users can authenticate to the firewall so that the firewall can unlock certain ports for them on the protected network.

In the space below (on the question sheet), think about possible ways in which this approach can be broken down. There are two major limitations with this approach that we’d like to tackle in the next set of concept labs and labs.


Submit your question sheet and your scripts for the experiments to Gradescope.