Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Logistics
  3. Learning objectives
  4. Getting the config
    1. Patching the docker file
  5. Network topology
  6. libpcap tutorial
    1. Sample comparison
    2. Directory structure
    3. Makefiles
    4. Sniffing and printing packets
      1. The sniffing loop
      2. Trying it out
    5. Printing ARP Requests
      1. Extracting the Ethernet header
      2. Parsing the ARP header
      3. Formatting addresses
      4. Running the code
  7. Task 1: Print an IP packet content
    1. Step-by-step instructions
  8. Task 2: Print an ICMP packet content
    1. Implementation steps
  9. Submission


In this lab, we would like to extend our attack from lab 1 to mount a Man in the Middle (MITM) attack on two hosts on the same network. We will explore further loopholes in the Address Resolution Protocol and use it to breach the integrity and confidentiality of packets on the network. This will also serve as an introduction to IPv4 routing and the TCP handshake.


In addition to the tools we set up in the prelab, you will need the following:

  1. Wireshark to visually see packets and protocols.
    • Install this on your local machine, so you can see things visually.
  2. If you are comfortable with command line, you can also use tshark to observe the same packets and protocols, directly on the server machine.
  3. scp or rsync will prove to be useful to obtain packet captures from the server and download them on your local machine. They should be installed by default on your Linux distribution that you are running.
  4. nc (netcat) will help us set up a simple client-server application.

Learning objectives

After completing this lab, you should be able to:

  • Use libpcap to capture and manipulate packets on the wire.
  • Compare performance between different implementations of exploits.
  • Conduct a MITM attack on two hosts to act as a router.
  • Explore IP routing and TCP set up.

Getting the config

To start with this lab, login to the class server, and navigate to your netsec-labs-username directory. Grab the latest updates using:

  (class-server) $ git fetch upstream
  (class-server) $ git pull upstream main

A folder called prelab2 should show up in your directory, that is where you will do most of your lab.

Patching the docker file

{.warning} Before starting here, please make sure that your experiments from lab1 are down. To do so, navigate back to the lab1 directory and do docker compose down.

I have updated the patch script to no longer ask you for your username and subnet, it will try to extract those on its own and print out your subnet (it is the same on as the one announced on the Moodle page).

To do so, in the prelab2 directory, run the patch script:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10.0

If you had already patched your script, you will see something like this:

  (class-server) $ ./
  Attempting to fetch subnet automatically...
  Found your subnet, it is 10.10.0
  [ERROR] ########################################################################
  [ERROR] # It looks like your docker-compose.yml file has already been patched. #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # If you are having issues bringing up the environment, it means it is #
  [ERROR] #  still in use.                                                       #
  [ERROR] #                                                                      #
  [ERROR] # Try to take down the experiment first, then bring it up again.       #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it down: docker compose down                               #
  [ERROR] #  To bring it up:   docker compose up -d                              #
  [ERROR] ########################################################################

If for some reason, the script fails to find your subnet, you can override its behavior by providing your subnet on the command line:

  (class-server) $ ./ SUBNET

In the remainder of this document, I will not be using your specific prefixes and subnets. For example, when I refer to hostA, you should replace that with user-hostA where user is your RHIT username. Similarly, I will be using 10.10.0 as the default subnet, you should replace that in all ip addresses with your own subnet. For example, if your subnet is 10.11.0, then replace the ip address with

Network topology

We will start off with a similar topology to that of lab1. We will have three containers (recall to replace 10.10.0 with your subnet):

  1. hostA with IPv4 address of
  2. hostB with IPv4 address of
  3. attacker with IPv4 address of

They all exist on the same local network and can talk to each other freely. Our target at the end of this lab is to make the attacker container sit in the middle of hostA and hostB, such that any packet from A to B or B to A, will be intercepted by the attacker; this is referred to as a Man in the Middle Attack (MITM).

Please note that the attacker container is configured to ignore ICMP Echo request packets, and thus will not respond to ping requests.

libpcap tutorial

As you might have noticed in the previous lab, running our exploit using python is very slow. On average, to get a response from a container on the same (virtual) network, it took us an average of 35.435 ms; that is terrible, it is even slower than me trying to access (average of 15 ms). It will also raise alarms in case traffic is this slow on a local network, thus compromising an attacker’s ability to hide their tracks.

We would like to do better in this lab, especially that we will start running into cases where a successful exploit is performance-dependent. Therefore, we will use C as our programming language, and make use of libpcap (same thing provided by tcpdump) to write our exploit. This section serves as an introduction and tutorial for libpcap in C.

libpcap is not the fastest either, but it is much faster than python. If we really want things to run at line speed (i.e., as if there was an actual ghost machine there), it would require a bit more hacking that is beyond what we will cover in this class. If you are interested, take a look at eBPF and AF_XDP.

Sample comparison

When running the previous lab’s exploit using C we get:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=12.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.88 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.931 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=4.00 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=2.93 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.946 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=4.03 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=2.93 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.963 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=7.93 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9029ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.931/4.008/12.555/3.466 ms

While when running it using python we get:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=96.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=24.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=30.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=33.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=32.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=30.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=33.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=31.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=17.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=24.0 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9014ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.937/35.435/96.741/20.985 ms

You can clearly see how big the difference is.

Directory structure

Under the prelab2/volumes directory, you will see a src/ directory that contains the demo source code in addition to a bunch of utility helpers that will be useful for you later on.

As of writing this document, my directory tree looks like the following:

  $ tree .
  ├── nslib
  │   ├── log.h
  │   ├── ns_arp.c
  │   ├── ns_arp.h
  │   ├── util.c
  │   └── util.h
  └── print
      ├── makefile
      ├── printarp.c
      └── printpkt.c

The directories we care about are the following:

  1. nslib: This contains a bunch of utilities and helper functions that you can use when writing your code. Feel free to use any function from this library. I tried to document everything to be self-explanatory of what each function is trying to do.
  2. print: This contains the printing demos that we will look into, along with their corresponding makefile.
    • printpkt.c: This is a demo file that just prints when a packet is received with libpcap.
    • printarp.c: This is a demo file that prints the content of an ARP packet.

Of particular interest for us at this point is the nslib/log.h header file. It contains a bunch macros that you can use to color your screen output to make things more obvious. It provides three macros that can be used exactly as you would use printf.

  1. print_log: Prints the output in green color. It prepends the file name, the function name, and the line of code to the output.
  2. print_err: Prints the output in red color with an ERROR label.
  3. print_warn: Prints the output in yellow color with a WARNING label.

Feel free to use these functions to your desire, you just need #include "log.h" in your list of headers included.


I provide you with a template makefile that resolve all dependencies in each directory. If you add new C files that you wish to compile, there are only two lines that you need to edit; those are marked with TODO: in the makefile, please do not edit any other rule in the file.

If you are having issues with make, then don’t spend time on it, that is not the purpose of this class. Ask me about it and I will help you figure it out.

Sniffing and printing packets

We will first start by looking at print/printpkt.c. This is a simple sniffer that listens on the network for incoming packets, and then simply prints the timestamp of when the packet was received, along with the packet’s length in bytes.

The code is well documented, but here are the highlights:

  1. Fist, we’d like to find a device we listen on. By default, we listen on eth0 (configured by the ifname variable in the code). Lines 36 through 46 loop through all of the container’s interfaces to find eth0, and return an error if they can’t find it. You will rarely, if never, have to mess with this piece of code.
  2. Second, we open the interface eth0 for listening. We use the pcap_open_live function on line 49. This line will rarely change, and will write an error message into errbuf if it fails.

    However, of particular interest to us is the PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS flag (the fourth argument). This will indicate that our interface should capture all packets, even those intended for other machines or non-existing machines. That is crucial for us to be able to run our exploit.

  3. Third, we’d like to compile our packet filter. We only care about a certain subset of packets and not everything. In this demo, we only care about capturing ARP and ICMP packets. Lines 64 through 76 do just that.

    Of particular interest to us is the filter expression itself. It is defined at the top of the file in:

    static const char *filter_expr = "arp or icmp";

    If you’d like to change that expression, you can either (1) change the variable directly, or (2) pass the filter expression as an argument to the program when you run it. For example to capture all IPv4 and ARP packets, we’d do

    ./printpkt.bin "ip or arp"

    Note that for expressions with spaces, you need to use the quotes.

  4. Finally, our main loop lives on line 79, it is the following:

     // MAIN LOOP: keep getting packets until error happens or we are done.
     while((rc = pcap_next_ex(handle, &hdr, &pkt)) >= 0) {
       // Eventually, remove this for speed
       tstr = fmt_ts(&hdr->ts);
       print_log("(%s)\t Got a packet of len %d\n", tstr, hdr->len);

    This loop will continue listening for packets until it receives an error, or you exit the program. For every captured packet, it will execute the body of the loop. We will talk more about this loop in the next section.

The sniffing loop

Our loop touches on the three following variables:

  1. pcap_t *handle: This is a pointer to a pcap_t structure. It is returned to us by the pcap_open_live function. It contains metadata and config options for our sniffing session. You will never need to edit anything with this, you just need to pass it around sometimes to do pcap specific things.
  2. struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr: This is a pointer to a struct pcap_pkthdr structure.

    This structure contains the following members:

    1. ts: a struct timeval representing the time when the packet got captured.
    2. caplen: the number of bytes that are available from the packet.
    3. len: the length of the packets, in bytes. This might be larger than caplen if the packet is bigger than what libpcap can handle.
  3. const u_char *pkt: This will be a pointer to the actual bytes in the packet, we will be mostly working with this one.

In this loop, we are doing two things:

  1. First, we use the utility function fmt_ts to read the packet’s timestamp and format it into a nice string. You can check out the code for fmt_ts in nslib/util.c. Feel free to use this function as you see fit.
  2. Then, we just print the formatted timestamp along with the length of the packet in bytes.

Trying it out

Let’s go ahead and try it out. First, compile the code from the src/print directory:

  (netsec-labs-user/prelab2/volumes/src/print) $ make
  cc -MT build/printpkt.o -MMD -MP -MF build/.deps/printpkt.d -Werror -Wextra -I../nslib -ggdb   -c -o build/printpkt.o printpkt.c
  cc -MT lib/ns_arp.o -MMD -MP -MF build/.deps/ns_arp.d -Werror -Wextra -I../nslib -ggdb   -c -o lib/ns_arp.o ../nslib/ns_arp.c
  cc -MT lib/util.o -MMD -MP -MF build/.deps/util.d -Werror -Wextra -I../nslib -ggdb   -c -o lib/util.o ../nslib/util.c
  ar rcs lib/libnslib.a lib/ns_arp.o lib/util.o
  cc -Llib build/printpkt.o lib/libnslib.a -o printpkt.bin -lpcap -lnslib
  cc -MT build/printarp.o -MMD -MP -MF build/.deps/printarp.d -Werror -Wextra -I../nslib -ggdb   -c -o build/printarp.o printarp.c
  cc -Llib build/printarp.o lib/libnslib.a -o printarp.bin -lpcap -lnslib

Then, bring up the experiment from the prelab2 directory:

  (netsec-labs-user/prelab2/) $ docker compose up -d

Then, login to the attacker container, and start the program.

  (attacker) $ cd /volumes/src/print/
  (attacker) $ ./printpkt.bin
  [WARNING:printpkt.c:main:31] Using default filter expression: arp or icmp
	[LOG:printpkt.c:main:33] Starting setup...
	[LOG:printpkt.c:main:48] Starting printpkt.bin on interface eth0
	[LOG:printpkt.c:main:76] Setup done successfully, listening for packets...

Then, from hostA, try to ping the attacker container. Note that as we mentioned above, that container does not respond to ICMP pings, so you will not receive a reply.

  (hostA) $ ping -c1 attacker
  PING attacker ( 56(84) bytes of data.

  --- attacker ping statistics ---
  1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

Once the ping had started, we see some packets at the attacker, looking like the following:

  [LOG:printpkt.c:main:82] (17:13:55.009973)       Got a packet of len 42
  [LOG:printpkt.c:main:82] (17:13:55.009991)       Got a packet of len 42
  [LOG:printpkt.c:main:82] (17:13:55.010014)       Got a packet of len 98

Printing ARP Requests

Now, let’s make it more useful, we’d like to print the content of the packet we receive. We will now be looking into printarp.c.

Recall from lab 1, that an ARP packets sits on top of the underlying physical (data link) layer, which is Ethernet in our case. So our packet would look something like this:

  + ------------------------------------------------ +
  +               ETHERNET HEADER                    +
  + ------------------------------------------------ +
  +                 ARP HEADER                       +
  + ------------------------------------------------ +

So we must peel those layers one by one to extract the information we care about.

Extracting the Ethernet header

First, let’s peel off the Ethernet header. To do this, we will use a nifty C trick, which is pointer casting. The main idea behind this is the following, the packet is nothing but a bunch of bytes, so I will case different parts of the packets into different pointers, thus allowing me to access the packet bytes in a more readable way.

To represent an Ethernet header, we use the struct ether_header structure. You can find the definition of that structure below:

  struct ether_header
  uint8_t  ether_dhost[ETH_ALEN];	/* destination eth addr	*/
  uint8_t  ether_shost[ETH_ALEN];	/* source ether addr	*/
  uint16_t ether_type;		        /* packet type ID field	*/
  } __attribute__ ((__packed__));

The header simply contains the destination mac address (as 6 bytes or 48 its), the source mac address, and then the type of the protocol coming after that header.

Therefore, all we need to do is to cast the packet into a pointer to a struct ether_header, and we can access those fields easily, as follows: eth_hdr->ether_type. You can check the source code of this structure by following the link here.

Use the elixir link above to find the source code and documentation of any of the headers and address structures we use in this class; it is very useful.

Now, we would need to check if the packet is an ARP packet, or something else. Therefore, we can read the ether_type field. However, we have an issue here.

Network packets are always in Big Endian order. This becomes a problem if our machines are Little Endian, which would lead us to see incorrect values. Therefore, anytime you are accessing anything that is larger than a byte in this class, use ntohs, ntohl, htons, or htonl as you see fit.

We will need to ntohs to get the type field in the correct order that we can read. Here are the common function you would use:

  1. ntohs: Network to host order short. short stands for 16 bits, or 2 bytes.
  2. ntohl: Network to host order long. long stands for 32 bits, or 4 bytes.
  3. htons: Host to network order short.
  4. htonl: Host to network order long.

So now, we can check the value of the field we extracted and compare it to the ARP type we are looking for. Luckily, all those constants have been defined for us, you can check them out at the same link above, but here they are for quick reference:

  /* Ethernet protocol ID's */
	#define	ETHERTYPE_IP		0x0800		/* IP */
  #define	ETHERTYPE_ARP		0x0806		/* Address resolution */

If the type field matches ETHERTYPE_ARP then we will call the function parse_arp provided in nslib/ns_arp.c. Otherwise, we just print the same thing we did in the previous exercise.

Parsing the ARP header

Now, let’s check out parse_arp function; it pretty much operates in the same way that Ethernet parsing works, we are just dealing with a different protocol header.

int parse_arp(const u_char *pkt, struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr, pcap_t *handle) {
  static char logfmt[1024];
  char *str = logfmt;
  struct ether_header *eth;
  struct ether_arp *arp;
  struct in_addr *addr;
  struct ether_addr *eth_addr;
  u_short a_op;
  const char *ip, *mac;

  // grab the Ethernet header
  eth = (struct ether_header*)pkt;
  arp = (struct ether_arp*)(pkt + sizeof *eth);
  a_op = ntohs(arp->ea_hdr.ar_op);

  if(a_op == ARPOP_REQUEST) {
    // The ARP request has the following meaningful fields:
    //  - spa: Source physical address.
    //  - sha: Source hardware address.
    //  - tpa: Target physical address.
    //  - tha: Target hardware address.
    addr = (struct in_addr*)arp->arp_tpa;
    ip = inet_ntoa(*addr);
    str += sprintf(str, "Who has %s? ", ip);

    addr = (struct in_addr*)arp->arp_spa;
    ip = inet_ntoa(*addr);
    str += sprintf(str, "tell %s!\n", ip);

    eth_addr = (struct ether_addr*)arp->arp_sha;
    mac = ether_ntoa(eth_addr);
    str += sprintf(str, "\t\tFrom %s ", mac);

    eth_addr = (struct ether_addr*)arp->arp_tha;
    mac = ether_ntoa(eth_addr);
    str += sprintf(str, "to %s.", mac);

    print_log("(%s) %s\n", fmt_ts(&hdr->ts), logfmt);
    return 0;
  } else if (a_op == ARPOP_REPLY) {
    eth_addr = (struct ether_addr*)arp->arp_sha;
    addr = (struct in_addr*)arp->arp_spa;

    ip = inet_ntoa(*addr);
    mac = ether_ntoa(eth_addr);

    print_log("(%s) %s is at %s\n", fmt_ts(&hdr->ts), ip, mac);
    return 0;

The first thing we notice is that we are now using struct ether_arp structure. Here’s the source code for that structure:

struct	ether_arp {
	struct	arphdr ea_hdr;     /* fixed-size header */
	uint8_t arp_sha[ETH_ALEN]; /* sender hardware address */
	uint8_t arp_spa[4];        /* sender protocol address */
	uint8_t arp_tha[ETH_ALEN]; /* target hardware address */
	uint8_t arp_tpa[4];        /* target protocol address */

and for the inner structure, the source code is here:

struct arphdr {
  unsigned short int ar_hrd;		/* Format of hardware address.  */
  unsigned short int ar_pro;		/* Format of protocol address.  */
  unsigned char ar_hln;		      /* Length of hardware address.  */
  unsigned char ar_pln;		      /* Length of protocol address.  */
  unsigned short int ar_op;		  /* ARP opcode (command).  */

Assuming we have a pointer to the ARP header called arp, here are the members we care about:

  1. arp->ea_hdr.ar_op: This is the operation that the ARP packet is doing, telling us whether it’s ARP request, ARP reply, or any other parts of the ARP protocol.
  2. arp->arp_sha: This is the packet sender’s MAC address.
  3. arp->arp_spa: This is the packet sender’s IPv4 address (in this class).
  4. arp->arp_tha: This is the packet target’s MAC address.
  5. arp->arp_tpa: This is the packet target’s IPv4 address.

We can now start the parsing. We know that the ARP header is on top of the Ethernet header, so we simply need to move the packet points by the size of an Ethernet header to be able to access the ARP header. This is exactly what the following line of code is doing:

  arp = (struct ether_arp*)(pkt + sizeof *eth);

You can also write this one alternatively as:

  arp = (struct ether_arp*)(pkt + sizeof(struct ether_header));

Now, we can parse the fields, but be aware that we will face the issue with network byte order, so we must use the appropriate functions to handle it. The line below achieves that:

  u_short a_op = ntohs(arp->ea_hdr.ar_op);

Now we can check that against ARPOP_REQUEST and ARPOP_REPLY to see if the packet contains a request or a reply.

Formatting addresses

To help you out with printing, I have provided you with two utility functions:

  1. mac_to_str: Takes a MAC address bytes and returns that address as a formatted string.

  2. ip_to_str: Takes in an IP address bytes and returns that address as a formatted string.

Both functions above return a static buffer, which means that it will be reused by the next call to ip_to_str, thus overwriting whatever value was in there. If you need a value to persist, then you need to manually copy the return value into a separate buffer.

The rest of the code in parse_arp is just using those functions to print the content of the packet in a nice format.

Running the code

Compile the code using make in the print directory, and then run it on the attacker container. Here is a sample output when hostA tries to ping the attacker machine.

(attacker) $ ./printarp.bin
[LOG:printarp.c:main:46] Starting printarp.bin on interface eth0
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:52.651590) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:53.663912) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:54.687916) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:55.711908) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:56.735902) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:../nslib/ns_arp.c:parse_arp:44] (18:30:57.663900) Who has tell!
                From 02:42:0a:0a:00:04 to 00:00:00:00:00:00.
[LOG:../nslib/ns_arp.c:parse_arp:50] (18:30:57.663907) is at 02:42:0a:0a:00:0a
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:57.759906) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:58.783905) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:30:59.807900) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:31:00.831909) Got a packet of len 98
[LOG:printarp.c:main:84] (18:31:01.855903) Got a packet of len 98

Task 1: Print an IP packet content

In this first task, create a program called printip.c that prints the content of an IPv4 packet, if one is detected. Model your code after the parse_arp function show in this tutorial.

For parsing the header, use the struct iphdr structure. You can find its definition here (cleaned up a bit for clarity):

struct iphdr {
    unsigned int ihl:4;
    unsigned int version:4;
    uint8_t tos;
    uint16_t tot_len;
    uint16_t id;
    uint16_t frag_off;
    uint8_t ttl;
    uint8_t protocol;
    uint16_t check;
    uint32_t saddr;
    uint32_t daddr;
    /*The options start here. */

Don’t forget to add the needed header files to access this structure:

#include <netinet/ip.h>

To parse the IP header, first check if the Ethernet header contains an IPv4 header. If it does, the follow the say process we did with ARP:

struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr*)(pkt + sizeof *eth_hdr);

To format and print an IPv4 address, you can use the same ip_to_str function as follows:

char *ip_str = ip_to_str((void*)&ip->saddr);

Step-by-step instructions

To help you out in this task, I have added some step-by-step instructions on how to parse the IP header, please follow along and ask any questions you might have. Here’s a direct link or you can find it on the left-hand side menu of the page.

Task 2: Print an ICMP packet content

In this second task, create a program called printicmp.c that prints the content of an ICMP header, if one is found. The ICMP header structure looks as follows:

struct icmphdr
  uint8_t type;		/* message type */
  uint8_t code;		/* type sub-code */
  uint16_t checksum;
      uint16_t	id;
      uint16_t	sequence;
    } echo;			/* echo datagram */
    uint32_t	gateway;	/* gateway address */
      uint16_t	__glibc_reserved;
      uint16_t	mtu;
    } frag;			/* path mtu discovery */
  } un;

You can ignore the union for now, it simply represents the next 4 bytes of content in the packet. You can for now just print the type and code in human readable format, and then print the checksum in hex.

Don’t forget to add the needed header files to access this structure:

#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>

Implementation steps

Here’s a breakdown of what you want to do:

  1. Create a file print_icmp.c as a copy of print_ip.c that we created in the last step.
  2. Add the file to the makefile, exactly the same as you did for print_ip, expect for the name difference.
  3. Add a function:
     void parse_icmp(const u_char *pkt, struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr, pcap_t *pcap) {
       // Add code here...
  4. Call parse_icmp from parse_ipv4 when you realize you found an ICMP packet.

Here’s what you want to do in parse_icmp:

  1. Offset into the packet by skipping over both the Ethernet and the IPv4 packets.
  2. Grab a pointer to that location, and cast it into a struct icmphdr *.
  3. Print the fields you are interested in.


Submit your code to Gradescope.